Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and antibody testing are presently the most common and dominant ways citizens are being tested for covid-19 by healthcare systems globally. While researchers continue to search for alternative ways to screen for the deadly virus, PCR tests and antibody tests remain the exceptional screening methods. 

This article shows other alternatives that are starting to present themselves. Nonetheless, there are several certified clinics as well as public health centres in London where you can get PCR  tests in London.

All through the course of the covid-19 pandemic, the one thing that is seen and regarded as very important is the reliable and accessible testing to screen for the disease. Tests for the covid-19 were made promptly and readily available in South Korea when the outbreak first hit, and that is why South Korea has had a lower death rate than any other country that responded less promptly. 

Although majority of the tests for covid-19 is divided into PCR or serologic tests, they are not exactly perfect.

Polymerase Chain Reaction

Presently, most of the covid-19 tests and results come from PCR testing. If a person is actively infected, they test for the genetic material of the virus, which is in the RNA. Note that it can only be detected in a person that is actively infected. With PCR testing, the presence of the antigen is directly detected instead of the response of the infected person’s immune system or antibodies. When a person is infected, the viral RNA is present in the body even before antibodies are formed, or symptoms begin to manifest. This is the way the test confirms who is infected. 

With the help of PCR testing, it is easier to indicate who is infected so they can be quarantined. Also, people they have been in contact with can also be contacted, tested and quarantined if need be. This is the major advantage of current diagnostic tests. 

Note that PCR tests can be labour intensive. There are several stages to the testing, and this means error can occur between sampling and analysis. False-negative results occur about 30% of the time, with different PCR tests, meaning that they are better suited for confirming the presence of the virus.

Serological testing

With the help of an antibody test, it is possible to determine the proportion of the population that is infected. Sadly, however, it won’t tell you who is infected. This is because the antibodies generated is usually after a week or two, at which time the virus has been cleared from the system.

Presently, it is unclear how long the immunity period for covid-19 will turn out to be, assuming there is any immunity. According to studies, people who survived the 2003 outbreak of sudden acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) developed antibodies in their blood for years after they recovered. Although SARS and Covid-19 are both caused by coronavirus, it is too early to determine if there will be a similar immune response to the covid-19. There have also been reports of people being infected twice, meaning that these people did not develop any immunity to the virus.

If there is a situation such as herd immunity, then the spread of the virus can be curbed. Herd immunity is a situation whereby a high level of people in a population develops immunity to a virus, thereby preventing the spread of the virus within a population.

With antibody tests, blood samples are used for the test, unlike swabs as in PCR tests. This is due to the fact that a small amount of the virus is present in the blood as compared to the respiratory tract.

Lateral flow assay

A completely different type of rapid screening test for covid-19 is being pushed by a firm. This test produces a quick response and is expected to produce results in 5 – 15 minutes. Additionally, it is also expected to cost less than other screening methods and be administrable by untrained individuals. The good thing about this test is that it has a wide array of applications and can test various samples ranging from blood, urine, sweat, serum and even saliva. 

This type of test is designed to identify the presence of a specific biological marker. This means that it will be able to detect the virus directly by producing either a positive or negative result. This test makes it easy for in-home testing and monitoring, helping to identify if patients need treatment in a clinical facility. It can also help to verify if people are ready to be released from quarantine.

Rapid in-clinic antigen testing

An innovative approach has also been taken to test the Covid-19 virus in the form of rapid in-clinic antigen testing. This type of testing involves a point of care swab test that has been designed to produce results in less than two and a half hours. According to its founding company, the screening test is one of the world’s first fully automated molecular diagnostic test that can be directly used by all medical institutions.

This screening test runs on pre-existing vivalytic analysis and consists of an analyser device and matching test cartridges. The biological components in each of the cartridges are used to prove heather a sample contains the covid-19 virus or nine other respiratory viruses. By this mechanism, the need for further tests is eliminated if a patient does not have covid-19.

If the rapid in-clinic antigen test and the lateral flow assay test are effectively deployed across the world, the spread of covid-19 would be curbed efficiently. However, antibody tests will still be vital in determining if there is any development of immunity among the population. The more tests are carried out, the more it becomes clear who is infected and thus needs to be isolated.

For PCR tests, you can search for clinics and health centres that have been certified for PCR test near me. If you think you may have been infected with the covid-19 virus, visit a certified clinic or contact us at Private Blood Tests London for private PCR tests near me

By modbig

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