
Most people will now have heard of “power vampires”. These are appliances and electronics that use a small amount of electricity 24 hours a day, even if we no longer use them. Many of these devices are easy to disconnect, but other devices can cause additional problems. So is it really worth the effort? Electric bills from connected home devices are definitely costly, and you can reduce up to $100 to $200 per year by unplugging those devices. Another benefit of disconnecting your home device is safety from voltage spikes.

Does Unplugging Appliances Really Make a Difference?

Today’s modern homes are full of digital devices and appliances. Accumulation of the large number of small appliances installed in standard kitchen counters, some electronics in the largest recreational facilities, and the small chargers needed to power cellphone gadgets throughout the home. 

With that in mind, much more can be expected. Even basic household pieces of equipment ― power vampires ― consume a small amount of energy, but the entire house can add a significant amount to your monthly electric bill. How much money can I save while unplugging my appliances? Some estimates say that devices that continuously consume one watt of energy can cost up to $ 1 a year, as many power vampires use more energy each year. One hundred to two hundred dollars in a normal house. 

For some households, this is the total monthly bill. If you want to get a rough idea of ​​how much power your home or electronic device is using when you’re not doing anything, you can use a portable power monitor. Connect such devices to electrical outlets and reconnect each device at a time while the device is switched off. This will show the wattage you are using and allows you to calculate the total and see how much energy you can save by maintaining it.

Inculcate New Habits

Once you decide to take extra equipment out of your home, you will find that all you need to do to make a difference is to establish some new habits. Cellphone chargers are a great example of tools that are likely to stay connected frequently. Even when your phone when is not charging, it still uses some power. Remember to unplug your charger each time you unplug the phone. 

Kitchen appliances also offer the option of unplugging as the sockets are usually above the counter. Unless you really depend on the virtual clock of your espresso machine, unplug it after brewing the pot. However, you may be wondering about what to do with appliances that are there for entertainment purposes. They`re plugged in out of reach, as they are usually hidden behind furniture which no one has the time and energy to drag every time you want to switch them on. 

In instances like this, it could be really worth spending money on a brand new electricity strip to allow you to disconnect the whole thing with one turn of a switch. Modern electricity strips provide a number of capabilities that make saving money easier. The best power strips work at all times and you can operate them from anywhere.

More Advantages of Unplugging Appliances When Not in Use

Apart from financial savings, there is another benefit to switching off your home device when you no longer use it. That is, there is no safer way to protect yourself from power spikes. Unless you have a surge protector in your house, some of the connected devices can be vulnerable to surge damage. 

Large surge voltages from lightning strikes and transformer explosions do not damage home appliances as much as small surges do. These usually occur when you turn on a variety of large appliances in your facility, such as air conditioners and refrigerator compressors. Over a long enough period, these small surges can periodically have an effect on different household devices in the same circuit, shortening their lives. While appliances can get affected even when they’re functioning properly, the best way to completely eliminate that danger is to unplug them.

Final Thoughts

Paying your utility bill every month is a daunting task. Especially when the electric bill exceeds the budget. Other steps you can take to reduce your electric bill are, install an energy-saving device instead of conventional appliances like cheap smart thermostat

It may sound redundant, but turn off the lights and fans before leaving the room. Many people have a habit of leaving lights and fans on when they leave the room. This is also a great way to teach children how to develop good habits. Summer heat requires air conditioning. Air conditioning is essential in the summer. 

However, it can be added to your bill and stress you. Use an air conditioner with a thermostat to save energy. This reduces your electricity consumption and therefore your electric bill. Solar panels are another way to lower your power bill. 

In fact, it is a great way to generate your own electricity. Solar panels can be expensive at first, but in the long run they can be a viable and cheap option. If you like to bake in the kitchen, use the oven responsibly and look through the glass window instead of opening the door. This reduces energy consumption. Instead of a full-sized oven, you can use a toaster to heat a small meal. This reduces energy consumption. You can also view and replace different devices that use less energy.

By modbig

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